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Registered Practitioner

Shamim Akhtar Malik 

PhD. BSc (Hons), M.Ac - ATCM, BAF, RIMAc, RSHom, HMA, BCS.

Registered Complementary Medical Practitioner,Acupuncturist, Chinese Acupuncture Practitioner, Homeopath, Hijama Cupping Therapist,  Sports Chiro Manual Therapist.

Shamim Akhtar Malik  PhD. is one of UK's Top Registered & Licensed Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) practitioner. He is a registered Homeopath, a Hijama Cupping Therapist, a Chirocare Sports Manual Therapist, & Chinese Acupuncture specialist practitioner. He specializes in managing & treating all types of Muscular Skeletal health conditions . He is qualified & licensed to practise  Floating Chinese Acupuncture, and is one of the 150 specialists in Europe for modern Acupuncture known as  Floating "Magic Needle"  or Floating needle Acupuncture therapy which is known worldwide for providing pain-relief from painful Musculo-Skeletal health conditions and sports injury.

Shamim Malik Aktar has over 30 years of clinical experience in managing all types of Muscular Skeletal related health conditions using the natural therapies above.

Shamim initially obtained his  Advanced Diploma in Sports Medicine & Manual Sports Therapy from the University of Bedfordshire in the late 90's.

Continuing on his interest in complementary healthcare, Shamim Aktar subsequently graduated from the University of Westminster with a Batchelors Health Sciences Degree (B.Sc) in Classical Homeopathy & Acupuncture , and being chosen to study towards a Masters Degree in Homeopathy at the faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia,where he also completed his Masters Degree in  Chinese Acupuncture (M.Ac) at the Research Institue for Medical Acupuncture (RIMAc) Malaysia, in 2005.   After undergoing further post-graduate studies in Chinese Acupuncture at the China Beijing Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China in 2006/ 2007. He submitted his research Doctorate thesis for his PhD in Acupuncture at the Open International University for Complementary Medicine (OIUCM), Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2007 .

 More recently, whilst pursuing his interest in Hijama Cupping therapy, an Advanced Diploma in Hijama Cupping Therapy for Healthcare Professionals was awarded to him by the British Cupping Society, a well recognised Hijama Cupping organisation set up by GP's & Medical doctors to promote Hijama Cupping as a regulated therapy.  At the same time, he also started his training in floating needle therapy (FSN) professionally with  Dr Jidong Wu, Acupuncture tutor/trainer/practtioner of Floating Needle Acupuncture in Europe.

 (FSNAE) . He is very much in popular demand for his services, & treats many patients presenting with a variety of musculo-skeletal & other conditions at the Shifa active health clinic using Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Hijama Cupping & Chiro Sports Manual Therapy or a combination of these therapies . 

Shamim Akhtar Malik is a registered member of many leading natural healthcare organizations including :

Fu's Subcutaneous  Acupuncture Needling Association of Europe (FSNAE),

British Acupuncture Federation (BAF) ,  

Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ATCM), 

Homeopathic Medical Association (HMA) UK, 

Registered Member of Society of Homeopaths (RsHom)

The Integrated Healthcare Collaborative, (IHC) .

​He is married with Children , and also enjoys practising Tai-Chi and Martial arts as past times .

He can be contacted via the Shifa active health clinic :  01582 206 366    /    07956 553417

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